Friday, October 28, 2005

Keeping the Light on Katrina: In Hurricane Tax Package, a Boon for Wealthy Donors |

Keeping the Light on Katrina: In Hurricane Tax Package, a Boon for Wealthy Donors | "But fund-raising experts have long said that the decline in charitable giving that followed the Sept. 11 attacks was smaller than nonprofit groups led the public to believe and driven more by economic factors than by exhausted donors.

'After 9/11, 65 percent of our members were raising the same or more, and the following year, the numbers went up again,' said Paulette V. Maehara, president of the Association of Fundraising Professionals. 'There wasn't the sky-is-falling impact that a lot of people thought there would be, and there won't be now, either, unless the economy does a nosedive.'"

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