Monday, October 21, 2013

Can Email Move Us to Give? - SankyNet - Integrated fundraising for nonprofits

Can Email Move Us to Give? - SankyNet - Integrated fundraising for nonprofits: Email fundraising is a learned craft. And it's a very tough one. In just a few words, we must tell a story that will quickly and deeply resonate. In an email, every single word we use is precious. Every single phrase is potentially powerful— and potentially deadly. There is no margin to misstep or even settle for something that's just OK. One bad choice and you may lose your donor or prospect to the black hole of the "unsubscribe" button forever.

Fortunately, many fundraisers do seem to be learning the craft, and learning it well. Last we did the math, the amount of money being raised via email in the U.S. was numbering in the billions of dollars.

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