Monday, December 27, 2004 / News / Boston Globe / Opinion / Letters / Generosity Index was misrepresented / News / Boston Globe / Opinion / Letters / Generosity Index was misrepresented: "Generosity Index was misrepresented
December 26, 2004
THE CATALOGUE for Philanthropy's Generosity Index (GI) was badly and unfairly misrepresented in 'Scrooged' (Ideas, Dec. 19).

The article alleged that the GI measures generosity, by reference to a generosity gap; that it is bad science because it ignores many factors determining generosity; its logic is so thoroughly flawed as to make it almost meaningless. Professor Paul Schervish alleges that the GI tells a story that is a quality of soul explanation. 'Scrooged' concludes that our own description of the GI as crude but telling is half right. All these assertions are false."

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