Friday, October 09, 2009

Bloomberg, Weill to Receive 2009 Carnegie Medals of Philanthropy - Out and About

Bloomberg, Weill to Receive 2009 Carnegie Medals of Philanthropy - Out and About: "Well, there's no surprise winner like President Obama, who has just won the Nobel Prize for Peace, but New Yorkers can be proud that two of the four recipients of this year's Andrew Carnegie Medlas of Philanthropy are New Yorkers Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Sanford and Joan Weill. Gordon and Betty Moore and the Koç family of Turkey have also been named winners.. The awards -- consisting of a bust of Andrew Carnegie and a bronze medal -- will be given on October 15 as part of a Medals of Philanthropy Conference in New York, featuring, among others, Patricia Stonesifer, former head of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation."

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