Monday, April 11, 2005

Charity Village� NewsWeek: Cover Story-An HR Council for the Charitable Sector: Measuring interest, identifying issues, and recommending next steps

Charity Village� NewsWeek: Cover Story: "An HR Council for the Charitable Sector: Measuring interest, identifying issues, and recommending next steps
April 11, 2005
By Louise Chatterton Luchuk

There are currently about two million Canadians employed by the nonprofit and voluntary sector. While there is strength in numbers, maintaining a strong workforce requires attention over the long term. It requires strategies and sustainable ways for organizations - especially Canada's many small organizations - to focus on their human resources needs and to work together to meet them. The United Way of Canada-Centraide Canada and Community Foundations of Canada (CFC) have plans to make this happen, starting with research into the feasibility of an HR council for the voluntary/nonprofit sector.

The collaboration between the two lead organizations goes back to 2002 - the beginning of the Developing Human Resources in the Voluntary Sector project, which was funded through the Voluntary Sector Initiative (VSI). The HRVS web site provides web-based information and tools to help small and medium-sized organizations manage and develop human resources 'The whole HRVS web site project was taken on with the idea that it would be more meaningful if it was sustainable,' explains Bonnie Shiell, project manager "

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