Thursday, January 04, 2007

Independent Weekly: News: National/ International: Charities get creative as giving gets harder

Independent Weekly: News: National/ International: Charities get creative as giving gets harder: "Charities get creative as giving gets harder
The Triangle's social service organizations are giving donors more options to help them meet increasing need


Charities depend on the month of December for much of their revenue, just as retailers do, and so as our mailboxes fill with catalogs, they also fill with end-of-year appeals from nonprofits.

Nationally, both need and donations went up in the first nine months of 2006, according to a study published recently by GuideStar, a national nonprofit that gathers financial information about nonprofits to allow donors to make better-informed decisions. But not all organizations saw increased donations to meet their growing needs, particularly among social service organizations that rely most on holiday giving for their annual budget.

To compensate, many are turning to creative appeals that draw donors who want to do more than just write a check."

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