Monday, March 12, 2007

Stephen Barr - OPM's Ruling On Charity Drive Draws Protest -

Stephen Barr - OPM's Ruling On Charity Drive Draws Protest - "OPM's Ruling On Charity Drive Draws Protest

By Stephen Barr
Monday, March 12, 2007; Page D01

The nation's largest workplace charity drive -- the Combined Federal Campaign conducted in government offices -- has tossed out a key rule, and that has prompted protests and appeals to members of Congress from nonprofit groups.

The controversy involves a decision by the Office of Personnel Management, which administers the charity drive, to drop a requirement that charities spend no more than 25 percent of their revenue on fundraising and other overhead expenses. Charities that exceeded the cap were required to give the OPM a reason and come up with a plan to reduce overhead to stay in the campaign."

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