Thursday, February 14, 2008

The Jewish Week News

The Jewish Week News: "That’s the new direction of much philanthropy today. Anonymous giving — sort of.
There were more truly anonymous major gifts to American philanthropies last year than ever, according to The Chronicle of Philanthropy. Unnamed American donors gave at least 87 gifts of $1 million or more, and 23 were over $10 million.
The shift is being felt throughout American philanthropy as well as at its highest reaches, according to the article.
Is it true also in the Jewish community?
“I don’t know if Jews are more recognition hungry,” says Jeffrey Solomon, president of the Andrea and Charles Bronfman Philanthropies, which in addition to giving about $17 million to Jewish and Canadian causes this year also advises other donors, but “it certainly seems that way.”
While no one has done a formal study, observers of Jewish philanthropy say that things are moving toward more anonymity."

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