Thursday, March 31, 2005

Globes [online] - A fine example

Globes [online] - A fine example: "Stop carping - business philanthropy is just what we need.

Shmuel Zysman 31 Mar 05 14:55

Something has happened in Israel. Leading businesspeople are making generous donations to the community. Their number include Nochi Dankner, Avi Fischer, Zvi Livnat, Meir Shamir, and Sammy Ofer.
As someone who has been involved in community activities at various levels for over 20 years, it is hard for me to understand some of the media, which hastened to disparage these businessmen, instead of praising them.
Anyone who raises money for the community knows how hard it is. Regrettably, Israel lacks a culture of philanthropy. Yes, there is ad-hoc organization, and yes, there is a small and closed circle of donors, but that is still a long way from a deeply ingrained culture of philanthropy. "

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