Monday, July 17, 2006

Commentary: Charity vs. Philanthropy

Commentary: Charity vs. Philanthropy: "Charity vs. Philanthropy

by Karen Woods

Phi-lan-thro-py: goodwill toward one’s fellow men esp. as expressed through active efforts to promote human welfare.

Char-i-ty: the kindly or sympathetic disposition to aid the needy as a result of deep feeling or understanding of their misery or suffering.

Warren E. Buffett’s plan to transfer $31 billion of his wealth to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation carries with it the potential to accomplish many good things, particularly in the health and education fields where Gates is focused. But let’s keep in mind that there are differences between the huge amount of charitable giving as practiced by most Americans every year, and the classic type of big foundation philanthropy that Buffett’s gift represents."

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