Wednesday, July 19, 2006 - Debate Continues About Ken Lay's Charity - Debate Continues About Ken Lay's Charity: "Debate Continues About Ken Lay's Charity

(AP) ASPEN, Colo. Along the pathway to the Benedict Music Tent is an inconspicuous sign acknowledging an awfully conspicuous name.

'Garden Court given by Linda and Ken Lay Family' reads the small blue marker just outside the Aspen Music Festival and School's award-winning performance hall nestled among aspen trees, well-manicured lawns and wide-open meadows. The tarnished name adorning the sign is the stuff of sound and fury, a peculiar juxtaposition to the tent's normally docile ambiance.

'It'll be interesting to see if that name stays,' Shelby Hodge, a society columnist for the Houston Chronicle, remarked during a recent visit to Aspen.

Elsewhere, the philanthropic deeds of Mr. Lay and the spectacular collapse of the company he founded, Enron Corp., are on a collision course that has institutions and organizations questioning where their appreciation of good deeds begins and their detachment from genuinely bad ones ends."

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