Thursday, November 05, 2009

FRONTLINE/WORLD . Dispatches . iWitness . Peru: Kiva's Web-based Microfinance Growing Up | PBS

FRONTLINE/WORLD . Dispatches . iWitness . Peru: Kiva's Web-based Microfinance Growing Up | PBS: "Still, Ayacucho is hard to get to and dirt poor. Over webcam, Marinkovich told us that local artisans struggle to sell their wares, making only about $2 a day. Hardly enough, she says, to support the average family of five. Now, many of these artists are getting together and using the Internet to connect with a global market to sell their work.

Follow an interesting discussion on microfinance and Kiva's role on David Roodman's Microfinance Open Book Blog. Kiva CEO and cofounder Matt Flannery responds to Roodman's recent critique of the company."

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